Everyone, thanks for joining me again today. - I'll be showing you how to do an efor your client. - If your client comes in and just wants to get a brief eand kind of see what they're looking at as far as a tax return, you can do that from here. - This is your client dashboard and over here to the left hand side, this refund calculator. - We're going to click here and you're just going to answer these questions about the tax return with the client. - If the client has dependents, what the client made for the year justice so you can go ahead and get it is efor that client. - So we're going to enter age here. - If you're married, click yes. - File a head of household, we're going to go ahead and click yes here. - Qualify widower, no. - Click Next. - Cancel on claim you as a dependent, no. - If you have dependents, with your number of dependents there, so I'm going to put two there. - Now your other questions populate squ questions about the dependent number of dependents that receive daycare. - If you have paying take care for any of the dependents, you can put that number here. - The total number of dependents that's under the age of 16 and if the dependent is a full-time student. - So if they're under 16, they're not a full-time student, that refers to a college student. - We're going to click Next here. - Inter taxable wages, you want to put 24,000. - Federal withholdings, going to put about 10% of that. - State, if there were any, was just gonna leave there. - For unemployment income, you see here we've already populated a eso...
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1099 R tax calculator Form: What You Should Know
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing 1099 R tax calculator